2months, 2 weeks, 2 days to go... update time:
Go to my first concert - Sting June 2013
- Get my first tattoo - I at least have a plan for the tattoo, still trying to decide on location (on my body)
Have a second baby/or be pregnant for #2 The Kid #2 born Feb 2014
Buy dinner or coffee for a stranger behind me at a drive through (Sort of) I bought a suspended coffee at a coffee shop...
Get another 4.0 semester - Spring 2013 I got a 3.8... all because of one stupid A- instead of A. Boo.
- Lose 45 lbs (or more!) -- Ha ha, no... see # 3
- Learn how to use my dSLR camera - correctly! -- Um... I got better at it, still not great
- Go see the NY Yankees play in the new Yankees Stadium (we went the last year of the old stadium, it's time to go back!) Also no, see #3
Take The Kid to splash in the ocean Bar Harbor- August 2013
- Bring our credit scores up
Buy a newer car Check! 2009 Kia Sedona, 2/21/13
- No soda for 1 month (Including Diet) - Coke is my Achilles.
No coffee for 1 week *Yes I CAN do this!* Done! June 2013
- Read the bible cover to cover... I got about 1/3 done, I need to get back into this routine.
- No fast food for 1 month. Working on this right now
- No new shoes for me for 6 months. (2/21/13-8/21/13) - Epic Fail, granted I've only bought a couple pairs all year, which is a huge drop for me!
- Sew t-shirt quilt - I got back into sewing, but this is a much bigger project than I have time for at the moment (See #3!)
- Sew a dress for The Kid - I'm looking for an easy pattern!
- Complete half-finished kitchen island sitting in the shed. - I have a plan for this, it involves using it as storage for the shed since our kitchen doesn't have room for it anymore... will update soon.
- See a movie at a drive-in... Wonder when the drive in opens - this may happen after I turn 30 just due to Winter.
- Watch 50 of IMDB's top 250 movies, list found here I've seen 25/250... I should step this up!
- Try my luck at the slot machines This hasn't happened yet :( Boo!
- Visit my Big Sister "Domi" in Halifax :) I really wanted to make this happen but finances just were not in my favor. Soon I hope!
Take a day trip to eat at an obscure diner in a small town in Maine that I've never eaten at before. - The Bluebird Ranch - Machias Maine - August 2013
- Take The Kid to a children's museum - Planning this for next month!
- Go skiing again at least one time. Ha. See #3
- Redecorate our bedroom - We put this on the burner in favor of a partial kitchen renovation, photos coming soon.
- Catch up on the Patricia Cornwell books I've fallen behind on (I've received
4, make that 5, for Christmas I haven't read yet) Started this, and put it back down again, Bad Angel!
- Get together with friends more often. Goal: One lunch "date" a month! - Doing better, still not at my goal though.
- Keep This blog going! - Hey I'm still here, not as much as I'd like to be, but I haven't fallen off the face of the earth yet so Yay!