Friday, January 11, 2013


The Kid hasn't been feeling good this week - we thought she was teething awfully, but found out she actually had a viral infection in her gums :( Poor little pumpkin!  She hasn't been very happy or eaten very much for nearly a week now.  Want to guess what has made her eat? Feeding herself!  The other night we went out to dinner at a new local coffee shop (Star City Coffee) that is AMAZING!  While The King and I were enjoying our awesome Carrabassett Coffee, soup and paninis, The Kid was determined that she was going to feed herself the cold blueberry Chobani Greek yogurt I picked up for her.  Oh boy did she make a mess, but by the end of it she was getting pretty good at using that spoon herself!  Unfortunately I didn't get any photos (stupid phone was dead), but I did get some tonight of her feeding herself Jello.

She started off doing good with her spoon and the cup of strawberry flavored Jello... but soon decided that it wasn't messy enough:

Then there were six little eyes around the chair looking for droppings:

Ozzy the Cat (I like to call him Oswald)



The best part about being a messy eater? Bathtime!

Some fingerpaint soap The Kid got for Christmas!

Blue Water! Brought to you by Crayola Color Bath drops!

I'm pretty impressed with these buggers! Only one blue drop got the water that blue, and there are 85 drops in this little canister for about $4 at Walmart!!

Moaka wondering what's up?

The Kid's favorite bathtime (or anytime) game!



Bye until next time!

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